The phone number of the Fort Delaware is: 845-252-6660.
The address of the Tusten Historical Society is: 198 Bridge Street Po Box 18, Narrowsburg, NY 12764-0018
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Fort Ticonderoga is located in Ticonderoga, New York. The fort was built by the French between 1755 and 1758, and has a lot of history associated with it.
The Middle Colonies were located in present-day New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
Yes, Fort York is located within the city of Toronto. Here is Fort York's Address (if anything): 100 Garrison Road Toronto, ON M5V 3K9, Canada (416) 392-6907 Added: There are TWO Fort York's in Toronto (fortunately both located near each other). The address above likely refers to the armouries. If you are looking for the Historic Fort York it is also located in Toronto near the waterfront and the CNE Grounds.
The address of the Fort Tryon Park Friends Of is: , New York, NY 10040-0812
The address of the Fort Ticonderoga is: , Ticonderoga, NY 12883
No, Fort Ticonderoga is located in what is now northern New York State on Lake Champlain.
The address of the Fort Washington Branch is: 535 West 179Th Street, New York, 10033 5799
The address of the Fort Plain Museum is: Po Box 324, Fort Plain, NY 13339
The address of the University Of York In America is: , Wilmington, DE 19801-1058