The address of the Edmondston-Alston House is: 21 E Battery St, Charleston, SC 29401
The address of the Aiken-Rhett House is: 48 Elizabeth St, Charleston, SC 29403
The address of the Edmondston - Alston House Museum is: 21 East Battery, Charleston, SC 29401
There are numerous bed and breakfasts located in and around Charleston, South Carolina but none explicitly called "The Charleston Bed and Breakfast". On notable bed and breakfast is the historic Governor's House, built in 1760 and located at 117 Broad Street in downtown Charleston.
The web address of the Edmondston-Alston House is:
The address of the Craik-Patton House is: 2809 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston, WV 25311
The phone number of the Edmondston-Alston House is: 843-722-7171.
The phone number of the Aiken-Rhett House is: 843-723-1159.
The address of the Five Mile House Foundation is: Po Box 114, Charleston, IL 61920-0114
The Pink House (17 Chalmers St. Charleston) was built in the 1690's and would be my guess for the oldest building in South Carolina.
The Charleston House of Correction was located in the old Poor House building (May 1856 - February 1865) at the west side of Logan (Mazyck) St. between Queen and Magazine Streets. It housed short-term (5 - 40 days) incarceration of petty offenders. Inmates were males and females from age 5 to 75 and color didn't matter.
The web address of the Aiken-Rhett House is:
North Carolina