The address of the Carroll Gardens is: 396 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, 11231 3699
The phone number of the Carroll Gardens is: 718-596-6972.
In present day Gowanus Brooklyn between Red Hook and Carroll Gardens.
Carroll Gardens Historic District was created in 1986.
The address of the Narrows Botanical Gardens Inc is: 7304 5Th Avenue Postal Annex 242, Brooklyn, NY 11209
Carroll garden in Brooklyn
Carroll University is located in the state of Wisconsin.
Sidney Carroll was born on May 25, 1913, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Carroll University is located in the state of Wisconsin.
The Keukenhof Gardens are located in the Netherlands. It is one of the world's largest flower gardens, known for its stunning tulip displays.
Brooklyn is located in the United States.
The address of the Carroll Public Library is: 118 E 5Th St, Carroll, 51401 2717
The web address of the Narrows Botanical Gardens Inc is: