The address of the West Belmont Branch is: 3104 North Narragansett Avenue, Chicago, 60634 4919
The address of the Lincoln Belmont Branch is: 1659 West Melrose Street, Chicago, 60657 1001
Belmont runs from east to west, a little over a mile south of O'Hare. Therefore the answer varies depending on where on Belmont Avenue you are referring to. The most famous parts of Belmont are in the Lakeview neighborhood, which starts at about Damen or Ashland on the west and goes east to the Lake. From Ashland and Belmont to O'Hare is about 14 miles, driving. As the crow flies, it would be slightly shorter, maybe 12 miles. The western edge of Belmont, though, is actually in Franklin Park, a close-in suburb. The end of Belmont is about 5 miles driving from O'Hare, or maybe 3 miles as the crow flies.
The phone number of the Lincoln Belmont Branch is: 312-744-0166.
The phone number of the West Belmont Branch is: 312-746-5142.
in chicago
Electronic engineers, 5530 W Belmont, Chicago IL
They took their name from a street in their neighborhood, Belmont Avenue in the Bronx, New York.
Gary Solomon, he owns the large terra cotta office building just south of belmont on lincoln, as well as many commercial properties in the Chicago area.
In my view, Englewood, a neighborhood on the south side of Chicago
5714 w belmont Chicago ill 60634
The University of Chicago, the private university located principally in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago