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Q: Where is southeast Asia population concentrated?
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What percent of Chinese make up southeast Asia's population?

Chinese make up about _______ percent of Southeast Asia's population.

Does southeast Asia have a high population?

No south-Asia does not have the highest population china does!

Where are the followers of the major world religions concentrated?

Followers of Christianity are concentrated in the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Followers of Islam are concentrated in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Followers of Hinduism are concentrated in India and Nepal. Followers of Buddhism are concentrated in East and Southeast Asia.

Explain population patterns and what affects them of east Asia and southeast asia?

The population pattern in east Asia and southeast Asia is densely populated because of the low mortality rates.

Where was Hinduism concentrated in 1500?

Christianity was concentrated primarily in Europe and on the east coast of North America

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Which nation took the lead in expanding imperialism in southeast Asia in the 1800s?

France and Britain; although Britain concentrated more on southern and southwest asia.

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What is the only country in insular southeast Asia that has largely christian population?

the Philippines

What is the only country insular southeast Asia that has a largely christian population?

the Philippines

What is the only country in Insular Southeast Asia that has a largely Christian population?

the Philippines