Most of the bare rock in Antarctica is found along the mountain ranges and exposed ridges, particularly in areas like the Transantarctic Mountains and the Antarctic Peninsula. These regions have rocky outcrops and nunataks that are not covered by ice or snow, allowing for the exposure of bare rock.
Glacial grooves in Antarctica can be found on exposed rock surfaces, typically on nunataks or other high points where glaciers have flowed over the rock and carved out grooves with their abrasive action.
Antarctica is a continent, so yes: under its ice sheet, there is land.
Antarctica is a continent, so there is land under the ice. Most of this land hasn't been exposed in thousands of years (or millions further inland), so there is essentially nothing but rock beneath it. There are even mountain ranges and volcanoes throughout the continent, covered under thick ice.
Weathering typically attacks the outer surface or exposed edges of a rock most rapidly. This is because these areas are more exposed to the elements, such as rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations, which accelerate the breakdown of the rock material.
Any rock that is exposed to it.
Less than 1% of Antarctica is not covered in ice, mainly in areas such as the Dry Valleys and some exposed rock areas along the coast. The vast majority of Antarctica is covered by a thick ice sheet that averages about 1 mile (1.6 km) in thickness.
Few dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica because it was covered in ice during the time of the dinosaurs, making it an inhospitable environment for them to live in. Additionally, the extreme cold temperatures and limited vegetation would have made it difficult for dinosaurs to survive there.
Most of the Earth's crust is made up of igneousrocks but much of igneous rock is under the surface and not seen. Most of the rocks you see, those exposed on the surface, are sedimentary rocks.
The geological study of Antarctica is difficult because of its thick ice cap. The geological history of the area can be observed where the rock layers are exposed.