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Q: Where is United States of america usjfka?
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The United States of America is located in north america what are the nouns in this sentence?

In the sentence The United States of America is located in North America the nouns are United States, America, and North America.

What contanant is United States of America?

The United States of America are located in North America.

What does the US stand for?

united states of america united states of america ulatimate standing Athon

Name the country directly south of Canada?

United States

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The United States of America

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The United States of America is the only country bordering Mexico's northern border.

How many states in united stages?

There are 50 dates in the United States of America

What is the continent of the United States?

The United States of America is on the continent of North America

Who is the Armed forces chief of United States of America?

The Presidet of the United States of America

Who was in charge of America?

The person that is in charge of the United States of America is the President of the United States.

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United States of America

What country is known as the land of free?

The United States of America.