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Q: Where is Saarland located in Germany?
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What states in Europe border Saarland?

Saarland is a federal state of Germany; borders with France and Luxembourg, also with another federal state of Germany - Rheinland-Pfalz.

What is the name of Germany's smallest non-city state?

The Saarland.

When was Alice Liu born?

Alice Liu was born in 1964, in Saarland, Germany.

When was Sunny Derschug born?

Sunny Derschug was born in Saarbrcken, in Saarland, Germany.

What is a Saarlander?

A Saarlander is a person who lives in Saarland, one of sixteen federal states of Germany.

When was Sigi Siegert born?

Sigi Siegert was born in 1953, in Pttlingen, Saarland, Germany.

When was Daniel Helfer born?

Daniel Helfer was born in 1957, in Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany.

When was Christoph Finger born?

Christoph Finger was born in 1955, in Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany.

When was Mathias Kniesbeck born?

Mathias Kniesbeck was born on June 19, 1955, in Saarland, Germany.

What city in Germany borders with Luxembourg?

Luxembourg borders the German Bundesländerof Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

When was Stefan Kuntz born?

Stefan Kuntz was born on October 30, 1962, in Neunkirchen, Saarland, Germany.