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moluccas is under Philippines and it's hard to see it because it's very small.

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Q: Where is Moluccas located?
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What continent is the moluccas in?

The Moluccas, also known as the Maluku Islands, are located in Southeast Asia, in the continent of Asia.

When was Company of the Moluccas created?

Company of the Moluccas was created in 1615.

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What were the Moluccas know to Europeans as?

Spice Islands

What is the capital of the Moluccas?

The Moluccas, or Maluku islands of Indonesia, are now two provinces. The capital of North Maluku is Sofifi. The capital of Maluku (south) is Ambon. (on Ambon island)

What was Magellan trying to find?

The rich Moluccas(spice islands).

The moluccas were known to the europeans as the?

The Spice Islands.

What is the reasons behind Spain's interest to explore the moluccas?

Because of the spices.

Why were the moluccas so valuable?

They were known as the spice islands; because, of the importance of spices at the time of their decovery.

Why did Spain lose control of the Moluccas Islands?

The Spanish presence in the Moluccas Islands lasted until 1663, when the settlers and military were moved back to Manila in the Philippines after the Taiwanese Kingdom of Tungning, lead by Koxinga, threatened to invade the Spanish Philippines if the Spanish did not withdraw.

What obsession overcame Magellan while anchored in the Philippines?

I think it's because of the Spices in Moluccas island.