0755 is the first four digits of a mobile (cell) phone number so could be anywhere in the UK.
In the UK mobile sector this prefix (0755) is used by both Vodafone and EE as of June 2016.
The UK occupies an area of approximately 93,628 square miles... or 242,495 km2
The UK occupies an area of 243,610 Km2
All UK area codes begin with a 0. There is no area code 6010 in the UK, and there is no 06010 code either.
Area: about 150% the area of the UK Population: about 200% the population of the UK
UK area code 020 is London.
Cambridge is in area code 01223, or +44 1223 from outside the UK.
In the UK, 0121 is the area code for Birmingham.
The urban area of the UK covers approximately 2.28 million hectares.
The area of the UK is 244,820km2.
There is no area code 20 in the UK
There is no 01134 code in the UK.
0.1 percent of the area of the UK is covered by roads of one sort or another