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On vast cattle stations or "ranches" as we call them here in North America.

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15y ago

Beef comes from beef cattle. Beef cattle stations are found throughout Australia except for the desert and arid interior, and the far north coastal tropics.

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Q: Where in Australia does beef come from?
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When was beef introduced to Australia?

Beef was introduced into Australia with the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788.

Which countries does Australia export beef to?

australia exports beef to india, beijing, bangcock, chatswood and bali

Is beef jerky taxable in Australia?


Is Vietnam's Burger King beef patty made in US?

This is not likely If there is not a local supplier then they would come from New Zealand Or Australia.

Does Australia have beef cows or dairy cows?

Both (they drink milk there as well as eat beef) but there are more beef cattle.

What is Australia's main product?

dairy and beef

Where does beef burgers come from?

I worked for a shipping company in Oakland California the shipped for Burger King. They shipped Beef from Australia to the US for burger King and that was over 22 years ago. The Name of the Company was Sealand Industries.

What does Australia offer for export?

some of Australia's exports are wheat, beef, sheep, and wool.

Where do chicken fajitas come from?

Fajitas, (beef skirts in English) come from the diaphragm of a beef.

How much of the worlds beef does Australia produce?


What is beef-less beef?

Beef that does not come from a bovine, or rather beef that's not beef at all... it's more of a vegan dish than anything.

Certified Hereford Beef is beef certified to have come from what?

Hereford cattle.