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The Arctic foxes are distributed across northern Asia, northern Europe, and North America.

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8y ago

The Arctic fox is found only in the Arctic and not in the Antarctic.

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Q: Where in Antarctica do Arctic foxes live?
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Do snow foxes live in India but where in Antarctica?

Arctic foxes live in neither India or Antarctica. They only live in the Arctic.

Is a group of foxes living in Alaska the same population as a group of Arctic fox living in Antarctica?

Arctic foxes don't live in Antarctica.

Do Arctic foxes live in Antarctica?

No. It's too cold there to support any kind of food chain to support any kind of animal.

Do Arctic foxes live in Antarctica or in the Arctic?

No animal lives in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. The Arctic Fox, as its name implies, lives in the Arctic.

What kind of fox lives in Antarctica?

No. Arctic foxes live in the Arctic, not the Antarctic.

How do polar bears catch arctic foxes?

Usually, they don't. Foxes are not a big part of a polar bear's diet.

Can red foxes live in the Arctic?

Red foxes do live in the Arctic and compete there with the Arctic fox.

What kind of foxes live in the Arctic?

Arctic foxes live in the arctic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are there white foxes in Antarctica?

No. White foxes live in the far north. There are no foxes in Antarctica

Do arctic foxes travel alone?

do arctic foxes live in packs- no

How did arctic foxes get there name?

They live in the high Arctic regions and they are foxes.

What region do arctic foxes live in?

The Arctic.