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in the mountains of olympus

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Q: Where does the myth of perseus take place?
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When did the myth of Perseus and Medusa take place?

The Greek myths are not in our chronology.

Why did Perseus kill Ariadne?

Perseus in Greek myth did not kill Ariadne.

How does Dionysus kill Perseus?

In Greek myth, Dionysus does not kill Perseus.

Who is danae from the greek myths?

Perseus' mother from the myth Perseus and Medusa

What is the myth similar to the myth of orpheus and eurydice?

Perseus & Andromeda

What is the setting of the myth Perseus?

up your a$$

Is perseus the son of posidon?

In Greek myth, Perseus is the son of Zeus and Danae.

When is the myth of Hercules set?

The myth of Hercules comes after the myth of Perseus and before the Trojan War.

Is king Polydectes Perseus' father yes or no?

No, no he is not. In the Greek myth, Zeus is the father of Perseus.

Did perseus kill Ares?

Not in Greek myth, no.

Is Perseus a cyclops?

Perseus in Greek myth was the son of Princess Danaë and Zeus. So he was not a cyclops.

Hero from greek myth that defeated the gorgon?
