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fort laramie and fort bridger

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Larry Ritchie

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2y ago
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Q: Where does the California trail separate from the Oregon trail?
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Does the California Trail separate from the Oregon Trail south of Sacramento?


What does the California trail separate from Oregon trail?

fort laramie and fort bridger

Did the California trail separate from the Oregon trial between fort laramie and fort bridger?


What is a route from Missouri to California on the Oregon trail?

there is no Oregon trail

Which two trails could travelers leaving from fort Hall follow and to what two cities did the trails lead?

Travelers leaving Fort Hall could follow the Oregon Trail, which led to Oregon City, Oregon, or the California Trail, which led to Sacramento, California.

Which two trail could travelers leaving from Fort hall and what two cities did the trail lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

What are the famous pioneer trails in the 1800s?

The Oregon Trail. Santa Fe Trail, Mormon Pioneer Trail, California Trail

Did William Henry Jackson go on the Oregon Trail or the the trail leading to California?

the trail leading to California the trail leading to California

Is the Overland Trail in California?

Yes. most of the trail lies in California and Oregon.

Which two trails could travelers leaving from fort hall follow two what two cities did the trail lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

Which two trails could travelers leaving from fort hall and to what two cities did the trails lead?

The trails were the Oregon trail and the California trail the California trail led to California and the Oregon trail led to Missouri.

What were the three main trails that led to west?

Oregon trail, mormon Trail, Old spanish trail, and for more it is Santa fe trail, California trail i hope you take at least three of them this is your choice like you can choose Oregon trail, Santa fe trail, California trail your choice!