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Q: Where does most farming take place in Canada?
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Where does the most farming in Iraq take place?

Most of the farming in Iraq takes place in alluvial plains.

Where does most of the farming in Iraq take place?

Most of the farming in Iraq takes place in alluvial plains.

Were do most farming take place?

round the edge

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Where did most of the farming in southern Europe take place on plains?


Where does the most commercial farming take place in?

Most commercial farming takes place in Europe and North America with scattered commercial farming taking place in sub-Saharan Africa and Australia. This is mainly so because the right environmental conditions apply in these areas and the farmers have sufficient capital to undertake in commercial farming.

Where does farming take place in turkey?

Farming takes place in the coastal areas of Turkey :)(:

Where does how to be indie take place?

It takes place in Canada, most likely Toronto, Ontario

Where does most commercial farming take place in Central America?

substance farming and comerciaal farmingPS anwsered by cateria Harper in 6th

Does farming take place in Denmark?

Yes, there are alot of farming on the country side in Jytland.

What society did terrace farming take place?

ancient Greece

Does crop farming take place in the tundra?

No way,the tundra is frozen!