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Lynx's prefer forest areas so a lynx would more than likely be found in the forests of Italy although if a population of lynx still exist in Italy, it is a very small population.

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Q: Where does a lynx live in Italy?
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In what biome does the lynx live?

A lynx lives in a Taiga biome.

How do i Live trap a lynx?

They live in your backyard and under your bed! DON'T LET THE LYNX BITE!!!!!!!!!!

Does a lynx live in Joshua Tree National Park?

Yes, the bobcat does live there. The bobcat is a species of lynx.

What is the community of the Canada Lynx?

Lynx do not live in communities, they are solitary animals.

What happens when a lynx is alone?

Lynx prefer to live and hunt alone

Does the lynx live alone or in groups?

Lynxes are usually solitary animals, except during the breeding season and when a mother is raising her cubs. They establish territories and typically avoid contact with other lynxes except for mating purposes.

Where in Europe does the iberian lynx live?

The Iberian lynx lives in Spain

Is a lynx born alive?

Yes, a lynx is a mammal and gives live birth.

Do lynxes live in cold areas?

The Canada lynx lives in cold climates as does the Eurasian lynx. However, they also inhabit warmer climates and the Iberian lynx and bobcat also live in warmer, even hot, climates.

How long does a green lynx spider live for?

Green lynx spiders typically live for about one year.

What is a lynx where does it live what class does it fall under?

A lynx, or lynx canadensis, is a type of cat that lives up north where it snows.

Do lynx live in Ireland?

No, lynxes do not live in Ireland.