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4% from sales are being spent on the state-budget.

The taxation on oil companies are 80%

The rest of the 96% earned from sales are being spent on foreign stocks, buying foreign stuff basically.

Some is also spent on innovation and during the finance crisis some was spent as bail-out money. This is how Norway made it through without a scratch.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Norway gets its energy from hydro electric power and Norway has 99% hydro power

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14y ago

We get the oil and gas from the bottom of the North Sea and soon the Norwegian sea.

We usaually don't use it, so we send it abroad to Holland, Denmark, UK and ect.

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14y ago

From under the sea

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13y ago

The North Sea.

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Oil and Gaz ;-)

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Oil ;-)

Is Norway known for oil?

Yes, that's correct. The oil is the reason Norway is one of the richest countries in the world (per inhabitant)

Why is Norway wealthiest country?

Norway is a developed country because of Sweden, Denmark and Germany's occupation. All the oil that has been found in Norway is also a reason. Norway is a rich country and Norway has therefore good health care, which makes people in Norway live longer.

Why is oil and fish Norway's most important product?

Norway has a large coastline, which is rich on fish, exporting fish is there for one of the earliest exports Norway started with. Norwegian generally eats alot of fish... Oil, Norway has a lot of oil, but unlike most countries, Norway use very little of it. There for it's exported around the globe, making Norway one of the richest countries in the world.