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Barbara Boxer lives at 1441 Senator St. in Washington D.C.

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Who is one of your state us senator now?

Barbara boxer

What nicknames does Barbara Boxer go by?

Barbara Boxer goes by Barbara Bouncer.

What is Barbara boxer famous for?

Barbara Boxer was/is the senate of CA.

What is Barbara Boxer's birthday?

Barbara Boxer was born on November 11, 1940.

When was Barbara Boxer born?

Barbara Boxer was born on November 11, 1940.

How many pets does Barbara boxer have?

Barbara Boxer has one fish and a parrot.

How many terms has Barbara boxer served?

Elected in 1993 Barbara Boxer is now serving her 3rd Term as a United States Senator and before that she served 5 terms in the House of Representatives.

Why was Barbara Boxer famous for?

Barbara Boxer a famous politician from United States of Jewish religion.

Is Barbara boxer a Republican or democrat?

No, Boxer is a democrat.

Who is senator California now?

Like every state, California has two senators. They are Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. Both are Democrats.

Barbara boxer party affiliation?

Senator Boxer is a Democrat.

When is Barbara Boxer having a townhall meeting?

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