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Q: Where do you get muscovado sugar in Bangalore India?
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What is the difference between normal sugar and muscovado sugar?

Muscovado sugar is less refined than normal sugar, retaining more of its natural molasses content and a stronger flavor profile with hints of toffee or caramel. Normal sugar is more processed, resulting in a sweeter taste and lighter color compared to muscovado sugar.

What is muscovado sugar?

It is unrefined or raw sugar, obtained from the juice of the sugar cane by evaporating and draining off the molasses. Muscovado sugar contains impurities which render it dark colored and moist.

Is muscovado sugar bad for diabetcs?


Can you use light muscovado sugar instead of caster sugar when baking a cake?

No; light muscovado sugar is a brown sugar, while caster sugar is fine-grained white sugar. Muscovado is unique; it comes from Mauritius, where the soil contains lava that infuses the sugar with unique properties. It contains molasses, while white sugars like caster sugar have the molasses removed during processing.

What is raw and unrefined sugar called made by evaporating the molasses from the juice of the sugar cane?


What is the currency used in Bangalore?

Bangalore is in India and India uses the Rupee.

What does muscovado sugar do to the food?

Sweets it, makes it brown in colour and gives it a flavour of molasses.

Is the muscovado sugar can be a substitute for the powdered sugar?

No, you can't. Muscovado is another name for minimally processed or "raw" sugar. I nickname that stuff "eye-boogers" because it looks like the stuff you wipe out of your eyes when you wake up lol. Because of muscovado's coarseness, massive size granules and lack of thickener (in comparison to powdered sugar), it is NOT a suitable substitute in recipes that call for powdered sugar. You can TRY to make powder of it with 2 parts sugar/1 part cornstarch IF and only if you have a food processor. But I can't recommend it as that's something even I have never tried before. I can't really help much further because you didn't describe what recipe you're trying to substitute powdered sugar for or why you need to substitute it.

What muscovado sugar is made of?

Making sugar is a process of refining the juice from sugar cane, then adding back the various bits necessary (the molasses) (unless making white sugar) to achieve the various degrees of brown sugar. So muscovado is a combination of white sugar and molasses. However some companies only partially refine the juice from the sugar cane, which avoids them having to add the molasses back to the sugar.

What is the distance between Trivandrum and Bangalore?

There are 312.113 miles between Trivandrum, India and Bangalore, India.

What is muscadavo?

Muscovado is Dark brown sugar. If you don't have any you can use granulated sugar, but you won't get the colour and the extra toffee-ish taste.