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The address of the Stephenville Museum is: 525 E Washington St, Stephenville, TX 76401-4439
The web address of the Stephenville Museum is: http://www.stephenville.com/museum
Stephenville, Texas is 1,273 feet (388 meters) above sea level
175 miles to Bryan TX.
The shortest driving distance is 93.4 miles.
Milton Brown (musician) was born in Stephenville, Texas.
Danny Wolfe was born in 1936, in Stephenville, Texas, USA.
The address of the Stephenville Public Library is: 174 N Columbia St, Stephenville, 76401 3421
Brent Pendleton was born on June 21, 1958, in Stephenville, Texas, USA.
Stephenville was settled in 1854. In the first two years of it's settlement the townsite was successful and by 1858 the population was 776. The town is located in what was Commanche territory and Indian raids were common.
Howard Swindle died on June 9, 2004, in Stephenville, Texas, USA of cancer.