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In England, in the London area and South East England where the combined population was 26% of the UK population, in an area of only 10% of the geographical area of the UK.

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In the countryside

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Q: Where do the largest number of people live in the United Kingdom?
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What is the capital of united kingdom and how many people live there?

there is no capital city of the united kingdom. however, the largest country in the united kingdom is England and the capital is London with over 6 million people.

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Yes, Budget Car Insurance does cover people in the United Kingdom. In fact, it claims that it is one of the United Kingdom's largest car insurance providers.

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There isn't an exact number available, but it is estimated that there are a few thousand auctioneers working in the United Kingdom. The number can vary depending on the demand for auction services and the size of auction houses operating in the country.

Can people who live in the United Kingdom text people that live in the US?

well yeah, if you have the number. but it costs alot.

What unites the people of the united kingdom?

People in the United Kingdom celebrate Christmas, New Year, birthdays, and lot's more!

Which country has the largest number of English speaking people?

The country with the largest English-speaking population is the United States. (over 300 million)

What country owns the United Kingdom in Europe?

The United Kingdom does. The UK is 'owned' by it's people.

What is the life expectancy rate of people the United Kingdom?

The life expectancy in the United Kingdom is 78.85.

Where can someone that live in the United Kingdom get Voip?

People that live in the United Kingdom can use the Vonage service, as well as the Voipfone service. Both VoIP services are available for people in the United Kingdom.