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Q: Where do people build favelas?
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Why do people build favelas?

The reason that there has been a growth in favelas is because more people are looking for better pay jobs or don't have any jobs and are trying to improve their quality of life. They have high hopes for when they come onto the city but then they realise that jobs are very hard to find and that the housing is too expensive for them to afford. As they don't have enough money they have no choice but to build their own home.

What sports do people play in the favelas?


Reasons why people move to favelas?

People moved to favelas mainly because of the money charges they could avoid. They could avoid heavy taxes as they had not much land to themselves. It was a also a means of safety, as most people did not go to the favelas as they thought it would be disgraceful to lower themselves to the standards of the poor peasants. So there were many reasons why people moved to favelas. check wikipedia for more info, it's really good!

Why do people keep moving to the favelas?

People move to favelas due to factors like lack of affordable housing, economic opportunities in cities, and historical patterns of urbanization. Favelas may offer cheaper housing options and proximity to job opportunities compared to formal housing options.

Why do people live the favelas?

People may live in favelas due to limited economic opportunities, high housing costs in urban areas, or seeking a sense of community among others facing similar challenges. Favelas provide affordable housing options for those marginalized by society.

The rings of slums surrounding South America's large cities are known as?

favelas or barrios

How many people in one house at the favelas?

if you are lucky 3-2 rooms

Why do people live in favelas?

People live in favelas due to factors such as poverty, lack of affordable housing options, rural-to-urban migration, and limited access to resources and opportunities. Additionally, favelas often develop in informal settlements on the outskirts of cities, where residents may face challenges in obtaining formal housing.

Shantytowns in Brazil are called?

shantytowns in Brazil are called favelas

Why do people end up in favelas?

People end up in favelas due to a combination of economic, social, and political factors. Economic disparities and lack of affordable housing options push individuals towards informal settlements like favelas. Social issues such as discrimination, lack of access to education, and limited job opportunities also contribute to favela populations. Additionally, political factors such as inadequate urban planning and governance can further exacerbate the growth of favelas.

How many people live in favelas?

According to the 2010 census, around 11. 25 million people across Brazil live in favelas, or shantytowns. This figure represents around 6 percent of the nation's population.

Do two thirds of Brazil's people live in favelas near the cities?

No, two thirds of Brazil's population do not live in favelas near cities. While favelas exist in Brazilian cities, they are not the primary residential area for the majority of the population. Most Brazilians live in regular urban and rural neighborhoods.