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All Souls Day is also called "Day of the Dead". The Mexicans go to cemeteries to celebrate their dead.

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Q: Where do Mexicans go on All Souls Day?
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------------------------Depending on your faith, the souls of dead people go to:SheolHadesHeavenHellPurgatoryLimboor they are reincarnated until achieving perfect knowledge and goodness

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However, depending on the denomination you could believe that all conscience things have souls. I believe that dogs and cats have souls. That's just my opinion; it is said that only humazns do and we can only go to his kingdom

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those few souls would go to purgatory

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on November 2 people go to the cemetery to celebrate all souls day. they bring candles and flowers and pray for the people that they have loved that have passed away or aren't with them anymore.

Do Mexicans go to Roman Catholic churches?

Yes, the majority of Mexicans are Catholics.

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All departed souls; good or bad, go to Hades' realm of The Underworld.

How are Mexicans educated?

They go to school

Where souls go after death?

In Greek times they believed that souls went to the underworld