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It bit her in the heel.

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Q: Where did the snake bite Eurydice?
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What caused Orpheus to lose Eurydice?

Eurydice's and Orpheus were at their wedding and there was a poisonous snake at the party and the snake bite her which made her die.

Orpheus kills what pet in eurydice?

Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus.

How did Eurydice die?

Eurydice is bitten by a snake and dies on her and Orpheus's wedding day.

In greek mythology how did eurydice die?

When a man tried to attack her, she ran away and stepped on a poisonous snake, which bit her.

How was Eurydice killed?

Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus, was bitten by a venomous snake while running away from a satyr.

Mythological bride who died on her wedding day?

Eurydice, I think..well she was bitten by a snake on her wedding day and died in Orpheus's arms.

Did Hades capture Eurydice?

Hades didn't really 'capture' Eurydice- she stepped on a poisonous snake and died, entering Hades' domain herself- the Underworld.

What is Eurydice's roman name?

Eurydice's name is the same in Greek and Roman mythology. Her husband Orpheus tried to bring her back from the Underworld after she died from a viper bite.

What two people does the messenger say have died How have they died?

The messenger says that Eurydice, Orpheus' wife, has died from a snake bite, and Orpheus himself has died from being torn apart by the Maenads, followers of Dionysus, in a fit of frenzy.

Why did euridice die?

Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus, a wonderful musician. She was killed by a bite from a snake. Orpheus loved her so that he went to Tartarus to get her back. He made it there and Queen Persephone loved his music so much, that she talked her husband, Hades, into letting Orpheus have Eurydice back. Hades consented but told Orpheus if he looked back on his way home, Eurydice would be lost forever. He made it almost all of the way back to his house, but heard something behind him, and turned. Eurydice merly faded away, like a ghost.

Can I get a snake bite ring on the first placement?

Yes, you can get a snake bite ring on the first placement

When was Snake Bite Love created?

Snake Bite Love was created on 1998-03-10.