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Q: Where did immigrants from the West Indies and Mexico enter the US?
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what large island of the west indies lies closest to mexico?

Cuba is the closest island from the West Indies to Mexico.

What large island of the West in Indies lies closest to Mexico?

Cuba is the closest island from the West Indies to Mexico.

Can you drive from Mexico to the west indies?

No. The West indies are a group of Islands in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

In 1948 in UK the invitation for immigrants was extended to people in?

Ireland and the West Indies

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What is the region known as the West Indies?

The island nations in the Gulf of Mexico.

Who made several trips to the west indies panama Mexico?

Samuel De Champlain .

Which other countries border the west indies besides the five countries in Central America?

Other countries that border the West Indies besides the Central American countries are Venezuela in South America and Colombia in South America.

Which exend farther south the Phillppine islands or the west indies?

The south of the Phillppine islands. Becuse the West indies are in the Gulf of Mexico. way higher that the islands. So the Phillppine islands are farther

What are the four largest countries in the west indies island group?

The Answer is Cuba,Columbia,Mexico,Venezuela.

Which prevailing winds carried Columbus and Spanish Conquistadors from Spain to the west Indies and to Mexico?


Who won West Indies v Ireland?

West Indies won