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A:The homeland of the Jews was the kingdom of Judah, located in the Levantine hinterland more or less to the west of the Dead Sea and corresponding somewhat to the southern part of the modern Palestinian West Bank.

The Jews and the Israelites to their north are traditionally believed to have migrated there from Egypt, where they had been enslaved. It is also traditionally believed that centuries earlier their single forefather migrated from the city of Ur in Mesopotamia. Historians say these legends are not really true, and that the forefathers of the Jewish people were Canaanites who migrated from the region of the rich coastal cities and settled peacefully in the hitherto sparsely settled hinterland.

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15y ago

Though about 85% of Israeli inhabitants are Jewish, they don't necessarily come to _you_ from Israel. Judaism is hereditary and is determined by the religion of the mother. If a child's mother is Jewish, so is the child, and he will be accepted in Jewish society. There are not many Jewish converts due to the fact we are very selective and the requirements are harsh.

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12y ago

Israelis are mostly Jews who have returned to Israel from all over the world. There are also a few Jews whose family lines had never left Israel. Finally, there is a population of Arab Israelis who are Arabs that were living inside the borders of Israel at the time independence was declared.

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Most Israelis range from Russian to Arab coloration. There are some Black, Hispanic, and Chinese Israelis, but they are a minority.

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How do Israelis worship?

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