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Q: Where can you find staff nurse model question paper for Indian railway?
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What is an Indian nurse called?

A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"A Indian nurse is called a " sister"

Where you are getting staff nurse model question papers?

eb office

What is another name for an Indian nurse?

I believe an Indian nurse or nanny is sometimes called an Iya.

What do you can it when the nurse gives you a?

Well what you do is make the question understandable then we can then answer your question :)

What does the acronym cnor mean?

Certified Nurse Operating Room Canadian Northern Railway Company Command Not Operationally Ready

What is a midwife's college training?

There are two answers to this question. If you want to be a nurse-midwife, you will need to complete an undergraduate degree in nursing and a master's degree in nurse-midwifery. If you do not want to be a nurse, you can train in a number of ways. There are undergraduate and graduate university programs, both on-site and distance. You can also train through an apprenticeship model with an experienced midwife.

Do you have a nurse that will answer a medical question?

duh all of them do!!

What does an average nurse do?

they obviously nurse! who ever asked this Question probably didn't graduate kindergarten

What Were The Roles Of Women In An Indian Camp?

They use to do everything they clean, cook, beadwork and nurse the babies

What are the roles and functions of a community health nurse?

role model to the community educator

How do you answer interview in operating theatre nurse?

answer to the question truly and specifically

How much milk nurse maids?

This is not even a question?!?!? You are dumb!