The Orlando Area.
The latitude and longitude of Orlando, Florida are 28.4158 degrees N, 81.2989 degrees W. The total area for Orlando is 110.7 square miles.
According to, the 2010 ACS population estimate of Orlando, Florida, is 238,893.The population of the Orlando metro area is about 2,045,500 people.
The Florida Turnpike does not go to the Gainesville area of the state. You would have to take I-75 to get there from the Orlando area.
Orlando is north and east of Florida's center, although the city and surrounding area are part of Central Florida.
It is 101 square miles,
The latitude and longitude of Orlando, Florida are 28.4158 degrees N, 81.2989 degrees W. The total area for Orlando is 110.7 square miles.
You can find gas stations that offer ethanol-free gasoline by checking online resources, such as websites that list ethanol-free gas stations in your area. Additionally, you can ask local gas stations directly if they carry ethanol-free gasoline. Look for fuel pumps with a specific label indicating "ethanol-free" or "pure gasoline."
Orlando, Florida has an area of 110. 7 square miles. It is a city situated in central Florida, and its population is approximately 249,562.
The Orlando Area
Here is a listing service that lists homes for rent in the Orlando area:
There are theater organs in Florida, such as the Orlando Area Theatre Organ Society.