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well? it is pretty aubious the local pet store will most likely have them.

Petco and petsmart have them posotively though

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Q: Where can you buy Russian tortises?
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How big should the cage be for a Russian tortises?

the cage must be big enought for the tortises vagina so that when the vagina expands from dicks goingin it, the tourtise and its mate will be cozy enough for a drink and some sex.

How big do tortises get?

the desert tortises gets 600 pounds it relly deppends what kind

Do tortises haybernate in the ground?

No they do not.

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Do tortises need a UV lamp?

Yes, they do.

Are red footed tortises nocturnal?

=yes they are=

How much are medium tortises?

forty-seven cents.

How many egg's do tortises lay?

Around 8.

How long to giant tortises hold their babies?

14 months

How long tortises live up to?

50 - 100 years.