When looking to buy a BB gun in the UK there are many ways to buy one. There are high street Army and Navy stores that sell replica war guns that are actually BB guns. They can also be purchased in the children's sections of such large shopping chains as Tesco and Asda. There are many online websites such as Just BB Guns that also offer the sale of BB guns.
I suggest the link listed below.
See the link Below
see the link below for the air gun law in the UK
In the United States a BB gun can be purchased at most sporting goods stores, large department stores, or specialized air gun retailers. Things may be different elsewhere. In the UK you can get BB guns in Cash and Carrys.
See the link below for your answer
anywhere you want as long as it is two tone
The minimum legal age is 17 to purchase a BB gun in the UK. A person aged under14 cannot own or use a BB gun legally, and anyone aged 14 to 17 must be under the supervision of an adult of 18 or older to use one.
you can get a lot of good pistols from £7-15 and a good bb gun site if you live in the UK is justBBguns
bb guns .net