The website Sober Recovery has a list of some rehab centers in New York. The website has a variety of listings on different types of treatment for things such as eating disorders and alcoholism.
The best place to find rehab centers is to talk to your doctor or a trusted advisor like a pastor or priest who may be able to offer advise or at least contacts to rehab centers.
The address of the Studio Art Centers International is: 50 Broad St Ste 1617, New York, NY 10004-2372
new york
The phone number of the Studio Art Centers International is: 212-248-7225.
The web address of the Studio Art Centers International is:
Daytop Inc‎ isn't to bad. Contact them at 54 West 40 Street, New York, NY‎ - (212) 354-6000
To find a school for the exciting career of a hair dresser visit Here you will be able to find complete listing of accredited barber schools in the New York City area.
New York, Paris, London, Milan.
The best alcohol treatment centers in the state of New York are in the Bronx and Brooklyn. They also have great alcohol treatment centers in Syracuse and Rochester.
The best laser eye centers in New York are TLC laser eye center, Belmont eye center and Diamond Vision. These eye centers have professional stuff and they offer services in eye surgery.
When you are visiting New York you can find tourist information centers in different places. One is in Midtown another one in Harlem. Furthermore there is a tourist information center in Chinatown and City Hall.