You would be able to find Abode Glasgow within the UK in Lanarkshire, Scotland. This is the county in which Glasgow is the major town and where the Edwardian hotel resides.
If it is 2PM in the US, it would be 7PM in Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) timezone, which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) in certain parts of the US.
There are no direct flights between Glasgow and Los Angeles. You would have to change, either in London or a US hub.
Assuming UK not US, 290 miles
I live almost literally on the Canada /US border. Having seen their close observation daily of a totally peace loving,faairly crime free area, I find it difficult to imagine any place they would NOT watch.
The Glasgow in Scotland has been there for at least 1000 years so it has to win. Many towns in the USA, particularly on the East Coast, were named after the towns and villages in Britain that the original colonists came from.
The only non-stop flights to Los Angeles from the UK are from London. Your possible routings are: Glasgow-Heathrow-Los Angeles (British Airways) Glasgow-Newark-Los Angeles (Continental Airlines) Glasgow-Amsterdam-Los Angeles (KLM) Glasgow-Philadelphia-Los Angeles (US Airways during the Summer)
Bent is located just North Of Glasgow - UK
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The address of the Childrens Museum Of Ne Montana is: 98 Us Highway 2 E, Glasgow, MT 59230
There many places where one can find information on US coin values. One can find this information from online websites such as Coin Study. One may also be able to get an idea on US coin values by viewing US coins on eBay.
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It depends on where in the US you are travelling to. There are some direct flights from Glasgow to the US but you may have to travel to London to get a wider choice.