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I know that they were united with the Catholic Church. Read on Hitler and also the history of the Catholic Church.
Well... the only way for a Muslim to learn "from" the Church is to learn "about" it. The best way to do that is to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
It is the Mass for Christ, read in the Catholic church.
Catholic read the Bible literally and it applied to the church Magisterium and the The Cathechism of the Catholic church.They showed it to their actions and their faith.
The word "Catholic" means "universal" and is applied to the Church as Jesus has sent Her to all people in all countries, in all ages. By "Catholic" meaning universal, at any Catholic Church in the world on any given sunday, they would read the same passages.
The Anglican Church is not called the Anglican Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is not formally known as the Roman Catholic Church even though the Vatican is indeed located in Rome. Your question therefore would more accurately read, can an Anglican priest say Mass at a Catholic Church. The answer is, the Catholic religion does not allow Anglican priests to officiate at their rituals. The Anglican Church, despite being extremely similar to the Catholic Church in most respects, is nonetheless regarded by Catholicism as a heretical schism.
Actually, there is no Roman Catholic Church. It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church..That being said, the answer to your question is the Catholic Church's role in "all of this" is everything. God spoke and created the world (read Genesis 1:3) and His Word is Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ (read John 1:1-3). Now, the Catholic Church IS Jesus Christ, (read Acts 9:1-5, 1 Cor 12:12-14)..So the short answer to your question is that the Catholic Church's role is EVERYTHING, it is the only meaning that anyone's life in this world has, and without the Catholic Church - which is the Word of God: Jesus Christ's mystical Body - then nothing has any meaning.
To make a chronicle of your story, you must write as a scriptI read a chronicle of Bill Gates' life.I read the book the chronicles of NarniaWikiAnswers provides a chronicle of poor homework completion attempts by lazy students.He chronicles all of his journeys in a travel blog.The chronicle was very boring.The chronicle made me cry.A chronicle is a written history.The chronicle bored me to tears.There are 2 chronicles in the Bible. J
All the reviews I have read on various Catholic websites have been very positive about the movie.
The agreement between Mussolini and the Catholic Church is known as the Lateran Treaty, you may read about it at the first link below, and see it at the second link.
In the Catholic church, an ambo is the podium or lectern from which the readings and gospel are read during Mass.
The Catholic Church began at Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit "like the rush of a mighty wind" on the Apostles in the upper room, read the second chapter of Acts.