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Green River is available online in 12oz glass bottles at the soda depot.

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Q: Where can I purchase green river soda in Iowa?
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Related questions

Where can you buy Green River soda pop in Indiana?

A store.

Where can you buy Green River soda in Champaign IL?

The Courier Cafe in Urbana

How can you get Green River soda pop shipped to you in Hawaii?

try the website:

Where can you find green river soda in bloomington il?

Maggie Mileys or Tri Lakes Dumbo

Do they Sell Green River soda in Florida?

WIT Beverage Company can send you some for a few dollars?

Where can you purchase baking soda?

The market.

Where can I buy Green River soda pop in Chicago?

A little grocery store in LaGrange, Il. Corner of Brainard and the Railroad track. The commuter train. Can't think of the stores name. Any Hackney's restaurant, either in the city (Printer's Row) or in the burbs. Besides having great burgers and onion rings, every time I have gone there I have gotten Green Rivers.

Where can baking soda be naturally found?

Baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) is found in nature as a mineral nahcolite (NaHCO3). It is found in mineral springs, for example it is mined in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin in Colorado. I hope this information helps!

Where is the Usa Soda Can Museum in Waterloo Iowa located?

The address of the Usa Soda Can Museum is: Po Box 178, Waterloo, IA 50704-0178

What rock does baking soda come from?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound found naturally in the minerals nahcolite and trona. These minerals are typically mined in locations such as the Green River Basin in Wyoming, United States.

What kind of science is soda?

The green kind!

Is there a river of soda?

Uh, no? Hope this helped, WoodWorkingMaster