Gideons bibles are given in 5 avenues of life schools, colleges, universities, jails, prisons, pregnancy centers. hospitals, nurses, in hotels, motels and lodges.
You can take Gideon Bibles from hotels.
Churches, donors, and Gideons pay for the Gideon Bibles.
It is not a usual practice for The Gideons to pass out Bibles to a Sunday School class.
The Gideon's' Organization offers free pocket Bibles for a variety of purposes. This organization has pocket Bibles for soldiers, students, mothers, and more.
A policy of the Gideons is to only allow members to pass out their Bibles. If your group is an approved organization, they will come to pass out Bibles. Look in the phone book to find the number of the Gideons in your area.
A basic Spanish Gideon bible just costs $5. All Gideon Bibles are $5.
New Testament
They printed there first Gideon bible in the year 1908.
The Gideon Bible is not written by a single author but is usually a King James Version of the Bible, which is a translation of the Christian Bible. The Gideon's International organization distributes these Bibles for free in hotels and other locations around the world.
Try Gideon International through the Web Link. Another source: Check out the Related link below for ideas on getting free Bibles.
Gideon's color-code Bibles/New Testaments for proper distribution. Orange is for sidewalk distribution to High Schoolers. See link below:
Close to 1.7 billion have been distributed since 1908