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Q: Where Greeks the only people in Italy?
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Who were the original people to settle in Italy?


Who are the original people of the land called Italy?

the greeks

Are Greeks Italian?

No, Greeks are not Italian. Greeks are people from Greece, while Italians are people from Italy. These are two distinct ethnic groups with their own cultures, languages, and histories.

Did Romans originate from Italy or Greeks?


Where were the Greeks colonies in Italy?

Southern italy

Where did Greeks live in Italy and how did they influence roman civilization?

they lived in Southern Italy and were influenced by the roman culture

What group of people established colonies in southern Italy and sciliy and interacted with the early Romans?


Who were the first inhabitance of Italy?

The Ancient Greeks.

Did the Greeks colonize Sicily and southern Italy?


Are Roman and Greeks the same?

If by writing you mean the alphabet, they were similar when the Greeks used their western alphabet (there was also an eastern one). The Latins, like the Etruscans and all other peoples of ancient Italy adopted and adapted the western Greek alphabet which was brought to Italy by Greeks who settled in southern Italy.

Was Italy founded by Romans?

No. Early Rome was only a tiny part of Italy. There were a variety of peoples living there before Rome established itself. Oscans, Samnites, Gauls, Greeks and Etruscans were a few of the major peoples inhabiting ancient Italy.

Do Greeks still live?

certainly, Greeks still live in Greece, Italy, Cyprus, aegean islands and istanbul.