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Usually water displacement is used to determine the volume of an object. When the object is added to the water, the amount of displacement can be measured. I don't know if there is an equation to do this, but it most likely involves subtracting the final volume from the initial volume.

~Jeff Johnson

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Q: When would you use water displacement?
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I believe you can use it to tell if gold is solid, or anything you would wan't to know the density of, for that matter

When to use the displacement formula?

You use the displacement formula when you put an object in water and need to find the volume of the object.

How will you find the volume of an irregularly shaped object that would dissolve in water?

To find the volume of an irregularly shaped object that would dissolve in water, you can use the water displacement method. Fill a known volume of water in a container, note the initial water level, then submerge the object in the water and measure the new water level. The difference in water levels is the volume of the object.

When would you use displacement and when would you use math to determine volume of an object?

I would assume that you would use displacement to determine volume when the object is extremely complicatedly shaped.

What can you use to make a displacement can?

To make a displacement can, you can use a can or container that is transparent or semi-transparent. Fill the can with water, and slowly submerge an object in the water. The difference in water level before and after submerging the object will show the displacement volume, which is equal to the volume of the object.

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One would use a laser displacement sensor when positioning objects, for example, the laser will give positive displacement when an object moves away and a negative displacement when the object is getting closer.

How could you measure the volume of granulated sugar?

Use the water displacement method

Calculate the water displace in water?

The water displacement in water can be calculated using Archimedes' principle. It states that the buoyant force acting on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. So, to calculate water displacement, you would need to determine the weight of the object and divide it by the density of water (which is approximately 1000 kg/m^3).

How would you find the volume of a cork?

using water displacement method