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It happened since 1869 to 1969. That is a total of 100 years! Although, in some places it happened an extra 1 year.

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Kevin Rudd's national apology to the Stolen Generations of Australian Aborigines occurred on 13 February 2008.

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Q: When was the apology to the stolen generation?
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Where did Kevin Rudd say sorry to the Stolen Generation?

The formal apology took place on Capital Hill in the capital Canberra.

What day and date did Kevin Rudd say Sorry?

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made his historic Apology to the Stolen Generation on 13 February 2008.

Did Kevin Rudd sound sorry when he apologized?

Kevin Rudd sounded genuinely sorry when he made the apology to the stolen generation. It seemed to be a very moving experience for him.

What was the apology to the aboriginals for?

the Stolen Generations for information on the Stolen Generations go to wikipedia

What were the effects on the Aboriginals in the Stolen Generation?

what were the impacts on the aboriginals in the stolen generation that were short term

What are some stolen generation facts?

my answer is the stolen generations are Aborigines that were stolen from there family

How many kids died in the stolen generation?

About 100,000 Aboriginal children were stolen in the Stolen Generation

Is the term Stolen Generation underlined or quoted?

No. The term Stolen Generation is neither underlined nor placed in quotation marks.

What year did the Australian government say sorry for the stolen generations?

The apology by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to th Stolen Generations occurred in 2008.

Why was the stolen generation harmful?

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Where did the children of the stolen generation go?

The children of the Stolen generation were sometimes sent to live with white families. Some were also placed in missions.

Is the stolen generation still happening today?
