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Q: When was the Golden Mean rediscovered in Europe as the Divine Proportion?
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What is divine proportion in math?

The divine proportion, also known as the Golden Ratio and symbolised by the Greek letter, phi, is [1+sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.6180, approx.

Who discovered the divine proportion?

1. Divine proportion may refer to the Greek's idea of the golden rectangle, most pleasing to the eye and based on patterns found in nature. 2. The illustration of a man in a circle done by Leonardo da Vinci is also referred to as divine proportion. Follow the link, below, for the math.

The divine proportion is also called A positive space B symmetrical balance C atmospheric perspective D the Golden Mean?

D: The Golden Mean

What is another name for the ratio that is approximately 1.618?

The Golden Ratio or the Divine Proportion. It is, in fact 0.5*(1+sqrt(5))

Who discovered the divine proportion and when?

It is also called the golden ratio. Michael Maestin is credited with publishing the first decimal approximation in 1597.

When was the divine proportion first discovered?

The divine proportion, also known as the golden ratio, has been known since ancient times. It was first formally defined by the ancient Greeks, who recognized its aesthetic qualities and mathematical properties. The concept is believed to have been used as early as the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Who invented ratio and proportion?

ratio & proportion was explored by an ancient Greek-golden Ratio

Is golden proportion considered as natural factor?

The answer is positive. since any revolving object will produce radius and diameter as 1 and 2. Once they become perpendicular(fundamental factor for gravitation) square root of 5 appears within revolving system and rest of parameters appear naturally. there are two natural proportions,silvery and golden(Divine). Silvery proportion is the one that rectangle's side difference is side of a perfect square with same area value as silvery. putting silvery and golden rectangles side by side,they become a perfect square. If we cut a square out of silvery,rest is golden and if we continue cutting squares out of golden rectangle, remaining is always golden proportion as long as it goes down to nano golden rectangle. smallest integer numbers for these two are,3 by 8 and 5 by 8 which reminds me on chess board.

What is the golden ratio and why is it used?

The golden ratio is 1:1.1618...... This is used in art when making the proportion of the body and the legs. Normally the legs would be 1.1618.. and the top will be the 1. This is counted as the most beautiful proportion

What is golden ratio in Fibonacci series?

As you expand the Fibonacci series, each new value in proportion to the previous approaches the Golden Ratio.

Are the golden tickets available in Europe?

Yes they are available in Europe.

Are golden mean golden section gold ratio and golden proportion same thing?

Yes They are all the ratio 1.618:1, or (1+51/2)/2:1