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It was explicitly banned there in 1976, although it was not legal before then.

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Q: When was same-sex marriage explicitly banned in Cuba?
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Is a marriage in Cuba legal in NY?

If the marriage in Cuba was a legal marriage then yes it is legal in NY

Are toasters banned in Cuba?

Yes, they are.

When did Cuba's poverty start?

When Cuba had a revolution from America, and became a Communist country, the U.S. blocked off trades, and banned American's from going to Cuba.

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China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam

Are tosters banned in Cuba?

yes...they're considered too American and they offend the dictator

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China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam

Can Cubans Ever Leave Cuba?

Yes. Many Cubans emigrate from Cuba - for marriage, to be with family, for work. Many Cubans also travel out of Cuba on visits to other countries.

Why is Call Of Duty Black Ops banned in Cuba?

Because it portraits the assassination of Fidel Castro.

Which country banned Christmas in 1969?

Cuba. See:

Why was Cuba not ceded when Puerto Rico and the Philippines were?

Events in Cuba were the excuse for the United States to declare war on Spain. In doing so the US explicitly denied any territorial ambitions in Cuba. As a result it was not politically possible for the US to take Cuba as a possession. Instead the US controlled Cuba for a few years and then reorganized it as a sovereign nation.

Is same-sex marriage legal in Cuba?

No, marriage is defined by the Cuban Constitution as being between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage is not legal in Cuba, neither is their any alternative such as Civil Union or domestic partnership.No, as of 2014 it is not legal in cuba.

What is one true statement about political parties is true about Cuba?

In Cuba, the Communist Party (Partido Comunista de Cuba) is the only legal political party allowed to operate. All other political parties are banned and considered illegal by the government.