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John Wilkes Booth was born May 10th, 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland

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Q: When was jhon wilks booth born?
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Why was the kings assassinated?

because there was one guy jhon wilks booth got mad and shot him

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John wilks booth

What jobs did John Wilks Booth have?

He was an actor

What is the correct name of an assassin?

John Wilks Booth.

What country did john wilks booth come from?


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John wilks booth

Who shot Abraham Lincoln's?

john wilks booth

Did john wilks booth assassinate lincolin?

Yes John Wilkes Booth assinated Lincoln.

Who explored colonial Rhode Island?

john wilks booth

What kind of education did john wilks booth have?

he had no education at all

Was jhon Wilkes booth the killer of jfk?

No, Lincoln.

Did Abraham Lincoln know who john wilks booth was?

I don't why are you asking me!