History records the first "founding" of Monaco in 1245. There are conflicting later in time dates for the answer to this question. Many people claim a date closer to 1419.
As this tiny country has been ruled by the current "royal family" as a Constitutional Monarchy, founding dates are not reliable or firm.
Apparently, although this area has been inhabited for hundreds of years, it was once part of France. In 1419, France gave Monaco its independence.
Monaco Coach Corporation was founded in 1968.
The House of Grimaldi, from the Principality of Monaco. Founded in 1160.
Scratch Apparel is owned by Mark Monaco. He founded the company in 2015.
The company Silverseas Cruises was founded in 1994. It is possible to take cruises all around the world with Silverseas Cruises even though the company is headquartered in Monaco.
Monaco is the capital of Monaco.
"Monaco" is the French name for Monaco
The Casino of Spa in Belgium is believed to be the oldest in the world. Founded in 1763, and completed in 1769, it predates the Casino of Monaco (1862) by a century!
Monaco-ville is the government centrel of Monaco.
Monaco-ville is the area of government offices in Monaco.
It's spelled the same in French.le Monaco.
No, Monaco has no islands.