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Lincoln's first inaugural address was created in 1861.

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Abraham Lincoln made it himself.

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Q: When was Lincoln's first inaugural address created?
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Why was lincolns second inaugural address is shorter than his first?

It actually was not that short. President Lincoln's second Inaugural Address was approximately 700 words in length. You are probably thinking of President George Washington's second Inaugural Address, which was the shortest Presidential Inaugural Address in history, to date.

According to his first inaugural in 1861 what was lincolns primary objective when he took office?

To abolish slavery

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Jefferson Davis delivered his first and only Inaugural Address on February 18, 1861.

Why isn't the second inaugural address as long as his first inaugural address?

Because it said what needed to be said and no more.

What did Ronald Reagan say in the first inaugural address?

An "inaugural address" is the speech a president gives when he is inaugurated (or takes the oath of office). Ronald Reagan was elected in both 1980 and 1984, so he gave two inaugural addresses - the first one when he first took the oath of office in January 2001.

Did Washington deliver his inaugural address in New York City?

Yes and no. His first inaugural was in NYC, since it was the capital, but he gave a second inaugural address in Philadelphia as well.

When did James Monroe deliver his inaugural address?

His first inaugural was on March 4, 1817His second inaugural address as on March 5, 1821 since March 4 was on Sunday.

In Lincoln's inaugural address he asked the South to .?

During his First Inaugural address, he asked the South to refrain from seceding from the Union. During his Second Inaugural address, he did not address the South, directly but he spoke to the nation, as a whole.

What was the context in which John F. Kennedy delivered his first inaugural address?

The Cold War was the context in which John F. Kennedy delivered his inaugural address.

President Lincoln gave first inaugural address on what date?

March 4, 1861. He gave his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865.

Where did George Washington make his first inaugural address?

in Canada

When did Lincoln give his first inaugural?

Lincoln's first inaugural address was on MArch 4, 1861!!