Hymns - Loretta Lynn album - was created in 1965.
Hymns - Godflesh album - was created on 2001-10-23.
Hymns - Corey Glover album - was created in 1995.
Hymns - Beth Nielsen Chapman album - was created in 2004.
Battle Hymns - The Suicide Machines album - was created on 1998-04-07.
Tennessee Waltz - album - was created in 1952.
Foster Sylvers was born on February 25, 1962, in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
The Verve did the song "The Drugs Don't Work." It's on the album Urban Hymns.
Any of the following websites may be able to provide the value of your album: www.neatstuff.net/records/Records.html www.forevervinyl.com/ www.recordcollectorslc.com www.vinylalbums4sale.com/index.html
I'm pretty sure John Denver was at that great concert hall in the sky when this album was created.
Album Album was created in 1984-06.
Kutless' album "It Is Well" is full of hymns with a modern rhythm. They took "It Is Well", "God of Wonders", "Give Us Clean Hands", and more are amazing!