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There are no authors of the Greek myths, they were age old and handed over from generation to generation.

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During Ancient Greek times.

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Q: Who wrote Daedalus and Icarus?
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What did Daedalus do to honor Icarus memory?

He[Daedalus]made a statue of Icarus to honor his death.

What is the attitude of daedalus in the story of daedalus and icarus?

In the story of Daedalus and Icarus, Daedalus is portrayed as a cautious and protective father who warns Icarus not to fly too close to the sun. Despite his warnings, Icarus's disobedience leads to tragedy. Daedalus is ultimately depicted as a grieving and regretful parent.

What is the point of view of the story of Daedalus and icarus?

The point of view is for Daedalus and Icarus to escape. -Rosie

Who was the mother of Icarus?

Daedalus and Naucrate are the parents of Icarus.

Who are the mortals in the myth of Icarus and Daedalus?

Icarus and Daedalus were both mortals King Minos was also a mortal

Is Daedalus and his son icarus a complete subject?

Yes, Daedalus and his son Icarus can be considered a complete subject as it includes both the doer of the action (Daedalus) and to whom the action is done (his son Icarus).

What was the means of escape for Daedalus and Icarus?

Wings that Daedalus built.

What was the name of the son of Daedalus?

Daedalus' son was named Icarus.

Why were Daedalus and Icarus important?

Daedalus and Icarus were characters of Greek Mythology. Daedalus was the creator of the Labyrinth. Icarus was his son. Minos, King of Crete, captured both Daedalus and Icarus in the Labyrinth. Daedalus invented some bronze wings in the prison to help him and his son escape. They escaped successfully, but Icarus, ignoring his father's warnings, swooped low, touching the sea. So he drowned. Daedalus didn't die, but he lived missing his son every second from then on.

Who were Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology?

Daedalus is the father of Icaurs. Icarus in Greek mythology was to escape the Crete by the means of wings his father Daedalus created with feathers and wax.

Who was the doomed son of Daedalus?


Why are Daedalus and icarus famous?

Daedalus was the inventor of the labyrinth, and was trapped there too. Him and his son, Icarus, escaped, but only reached the edge of the island. To go over the water, Daedalus built wax wings, which he and Icarus would use to fly over the sea. Daedalus told Icarus not to fly to close to the sun, or his wings would melt. Icarus didn't listen, and ended up plummeting into the Iccarian Sea.