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Q: When was Athens burned down?
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Who marched south and burned Athens to the ground?

Xerxes/The persians

How many times was Athena burned?

Athena the Greek goddess was not burned. Athens the city state of Greece may have burned, but it still stands today.

Who burned Athens after victory at Thermopylae?

The Persian army directed by their king Xerxes I.

Independence hall was burned down by who?

It wasn't burned down by anybody, it never burned down. The building did catch fire in 1824, but was quickly extinguished.

When was the Olympic flame ceremonially lit and burned for the first time?

in 1928 at Athens olympic

Who burned down susan's father's cabin in seinfield?

Kramer accidentally burned down the cabin.

Who burned down Omars house?

khyrie rhodes did but omar burned down his kiwi house

What part of speech is burned in the house burned down?


Do you say burned or burnt?

burned is a verb burnt is the past tense - strange i know. e.g. : he burned down the building the building was burnt down

How was the globe theatre burned down?

It was burned down by a spark during Shakespeare's presentation of Henry VIII

3 The White House almost burned down during which war?

It was in the war of 1812 that it actually burned down

Which performance was it when the Globe Theater burned down?

A cannon in the middle of Henry VIII misfired and burned the building down