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The cane toad was brought into Australia to protect sugar cane crops from the cane beetle. It was not introduced to the city of Brisbane: it was introduced to the state of Queensland. Regardless, the experiment was a huge failure, and cane toads have become an environmental disaster.

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Q: When the cane toad was introduced to Brisbane what crop was it supposed to protect?
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The cane toad was introduced into Queensland to eat beetleswhat crop was it supposed to protect?

They were released to control cane beetles, which were destroying the sugar cane crop.

What crop was the cane toad supposed to protect?

Cane toads were actually supposed to protect the sugar canes. but instead, they didn`t. They had to protect the sugar cane because of the can beetles, which lived underneath the crop, and blocked all the water out, which caused it to go all yellow, and then collasped. The suger cane i mean. Branidi out.

What crops were the cane toads supposed to protect?

Sugar cane, they were supposed to eat cane beetles, thus the cane in cane toad.

What crop was the cane toad supposed to protect in Australia?

The cane toad was introduced into Australia to protect sugar cane from cane beetles. The experiment failed dismally, and as a result, Australia now has a toxic creature which presents a very real threat to most native creatures it encounters.

Which state or territory grows the most sugar cane?

Brazil grows the most sugar cane in the world.

What is the cane beetle?

The cane beetle is a kind of beetle that eats sugar cane. It is the reason why they introduced the cane toad.

Where was the cane toad introduced?


Which feral animal was introduced into Queensland in 1935?

I think you are referring to the Cane Toad, introduced to control sugar cane pests. 101 arrived at Edmonton in June 1935 it was. . . ... . . .

When was the cane toad introduced to the US?

it doesn't live in the US it lives in Australia and South America.

Which introduced creature was brought to Queensland in an attempt t o control sugar cane insect pests?

the Cane Toad .

What toad has been a pest in Australia?

The cane toad was introduced into Australia. Australia has no native toads at all.

What river in Australia was the cane toad first introduced?

The mulgrave river