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The criteria for euthanasia are constantly being revisited. In most case the criteria involve significant physical torment, a lack of treatment to cure the cause or result of the diseases, and a desire by the patient to die to end the suffering. Some jurisdictions have included criteria like loss of enjoyment of life due to disease, trauma, mental issues, blindness, loss mobility.

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Q: When is human euthanasia done?
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If human euthanasia is illegal then why is animal euthanasia legal?

Animals do not have the same legal rights as humans.

Is is not called euthanasia if what?

It is not called euthanasia if the decision to end a life is made without the consent of the individual, or if it is done for purposes other than relieving suffering, such as for financial gain or convenience. euthanasia is a voluntary act done with the agreement of the person who is suffering.

Who is euthanasia done to?

People who aren't dead yet.

What is compulsery euthanasia?

compulsery means "it has to be done" Euthanasia is the killing of a living being. together "compulsery euthanasis" means there is no choice, but to kill a living being.

Disadvantage of euthanasia?

people might abuse it they could kill a person using euthanasia

Should doctors euthanasia for terminally ill patients?

Euthanasia is only done if the patient wants to after they have been evaluated to be of sane mind. So yes, if that fits.

What is euthanasia scientifically?

Euthanasia (from the Greek eu = good + thanatos = death) refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner. Many different forms of euthanasia can be distinguished, including animal euthanasia and human euthanasia, and within the latter, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the focus of great controversy in recent years.

The killing of a human being?

unborn- abortion manslaughter, murder, homicide euthanasia

Is the euthanasia only for the terminally ill?

No. In 2006 Holland lealized euthanasia for babies born with incurable diseases that involve "unbearable suffering". Assisted suicide (not the same as euthanasia) is legal in Switzerland and is offered by the human rights organization Dignitas to screened clients who may travel to Switzerland from abroad for the service.

Pointing to the liability to abuse of laws permitting active euthanasia is relying on consequentialist considerations about not taking a human life?


Is euthanasia legal in Greece?

No, euthanasia is illegal in Greece.

Did legalise the euthanasia Sweden?

Euthanasia is illegal in Sweden.