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Dry season in Nigeria is november to april

rainy season in nigeria is march to october

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Q: When does the dry season in Nigeria start?
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How many seasons does Nigeria have?

Nigeria only have two season. Rainning and dry season. Nossman

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nigeria has 2 types of seasons a wet and a dry season wet season--- around 23 dc (73 df) dry season--- around 32 dc (90 df)

What are the names of the seasons in nigeria?

rainy season,dry season and hamatan which is the cold season. it never snows there.

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March 15, 1989.

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during the winter time it is rainy and cool in nigeria, however during the summer time it is hot and humid

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No there's not. During America's summertime, Nigeria has its rainy season and during wintertime in America, Nigeria has its hot season, but there's never any drought.

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Compared to most Countries in the world I think Nigeria is around average becoz it doesnt even make the top 20 list among the cold nations so its not cold....

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Soon the season for dry monsoons will start........

What is it like during the dry season How does this affect the plants and animals living there?

In the dry season, there is a likely chance that there will be little to no rainfall. Therefore, without water animals and plants start to die.