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Q: When does school start in Chile?
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How long is the school day in Chile?

For 12 years in grade school. starting usually at the age of 6 and ending at the age of 17 or 18. You also can attend preschool and start school as early as 3. After preschool you would be in kindergarden then start 1st grade.

What town or City start with F in Chile?

Futrono is a city in Chile. Freire is a city in Chile.

How old do you have to be to be in school in Chile?

You have to be 4 years old to go to school in Chile. You can stop going when you are 13 years old.

How many children attend school in Chile?

thairs are 50,343 schools in chile.

Is school required in Chile?


What place in Chile starts with the letter k?

There are no places in Chile that start with the letter k.

Does kids in Chile go to school?

yes they do

Do children go to school in chile?


How do you get to school in Chile?

get a bowl and a spoon and eat it

What is school like in Chile?

Maybe nice.

Is Chile an Asian country?

No. Go to school.

Do kids in chile go to school?

i think so